
Craig Mackintosh

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Дата народження:
Дата смерті:
, 1 загиблий російсько-українська війни 2014-24, Військова людина, Медик
Встановіть кладовищі

48-year-old Craig Mackintosh from Norfolk has been killed in battle against the Russian Army near Kharkiv.

A British medic is believed to have been killed in Ukraine.

The family of Craig Mackintosh said he had died “in the line of duty” on 24 August. He was reportedly a landscape gardener from Thetford in Norfolk.

In a fundraiser launched online to bring his body home, his sister Lorna Mackintosh said her “brother bravely volunteered to go to [Ukraine] as a medic to help save lives in this war torn country.”

“This selfless man is currently stranded in a morgue in Ukraine and there is no help to get him home,” she said.

“He gave his life to save others and he needs to come back home to have the service he deserves. A true hero’s service surrounded by his family and friends.”

The family said it would cost around £4,000 to get Mr Mackintosh’s body back to the UK. By Thursday morning, the fundraiser had already exceeded its goal.

A spokesperson for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development office confirmed to PA news agency that it was “supporting the family of a British man who has died in Ukraine and are in contact with the local authorities.”

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