
Chas Newby

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Charles Newby
Музикант, Рок-музикант, гітарист
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Charles Newby (18 June 1941 – 22 May 2023) was a British musician who was briefly the bassist for the Beatles for several gigs in December 1960, while Stuart Sutcliffe was still in Hamburg focusing on his art career.


When the Beatles returned from West Germany for the first time, they were in need of a bass guitarist. Pete Best suggested Chas Newby

Newby had been with The Black Jacks (Best's group), and was now attending university; however, he was on holiday, and so he agreed to play with the Beatles.

Newby appeared with the Beatles for four engagements in December 1960 (17 December, Casbah Club, Liverpool; 24 December, Grosvenor Ballroom, Liscard; 27 December, Litherland Town Hall; 31 December, Casbah Club). 

John Lennon asked him to go to West Germany for the Beatles' second trip, but Newby chose to return to university. After Lennon and George Harrison both declined to switch to bass guitar, Paul McCartney, who previously played guitar and piano, reluctantly became the band's bass player.

Personal life

Newby taught mathematics at Droitwich Spa High School in Droitwich Spa and most recently lived in Alcester, where he played in a charity group, the Racketts. Since 2016, Newby had been performing as a member of the Quarrymen, the band that was the precursor to the Beatles.

His death was announced on 23 May 2023.. He was 81.


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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Brian EpsteinBrian EpsteinКоллега19.09.193427.08.1967
        2Джордж ГаррісонДжордж ГаррісонКоллега25.02.194329.11.2001
        3Джон ЛеннонДжон ЛеннонКоллега09.10.194008.12.1980

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