
Dmytro Bilyi

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Дата народження:
Дата смерті:
1 загиблий російсько-українська війни 2014-24, Лікар
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Dmytro Bilyi. A 25-year-old otorhinolaryngologist from #Kherson.

Yesterday, 31.7.2023 was his first day as a doctor. And his last.

Russia killed him by shelling the medical centre. Despite the constant shelling, he decided not to leave his hometown because he wanted to help the people of Kherson. Russia kills those who bring salvation from the war.


25-year-old Dmytro Bilyi, an otolaryngologist, died in Kherson in the Russian shelling of the Yevhen Karabelesh City Hospital on 1 August. 

It was Dmytro's first working day at the hospital after he completed his internship, reports the student council of the Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, where Dmytro studied.

Dmytro joined the medical faculty in 2015. He applied to Kherson and interned in otolaryngology after graduating from the university in 2021.

Quote: "He was very kind, cheerful, he won hearts, always smiling. Dmytro studied well, dreamed of becoming a qualified doctor, and was delighted when he went to work  that day," the Zaporizhzhia State Medical University said.

In an interview with Ukrainska Pravda.Zhyttia, Serhii Marusian, one of Dmytro's friends, said that Dmytro followed in his mother's footsteps and wanted to become a doctor.

Serhii met Dmytro at the Zaporizhzhia State Medical University. They lived together in a dormitory during the first year of their studies. Then Dmytro moved to a flat, and friends often visited him.

"He always had fun: dancing, music. He liked listening to rock music. He was a great friend and always helped; he was completely selfless. He was very intelligent and qualified for his age," Serhii says.

The last time Serhii called Dmytro was on 31 July.

"He was very happy that he would work as a doctor and be able, in particular, to conduct surgeries. He had been waiting for this for a very long time," Serhii adds.

Another friend of Dmytro's, Artur Rakhimov, said 25-year-old Dmytro is from Kherson. At the start of the full-scale invasion, the boys worked at the Kherson Oblast Hospital.

Dmytro left the occupied city in July 2022, after which he worked as a doctor in Zaporizhzhia. Dmytro returned to liberated Kherson in May 2023.

"He liked otolaryngology because you can both practice – operate and consult, and communicate with people.

Internship training lasted until the end of June. July is a vacation [month], and on 1 August, interns officially start working," Artur says.

According to Artur, Dmytro will be buried on Friday.

Background: Bakhmut residents were killed in Odesa due to shelling by the Russian Federation on the night of 9-10 June.

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