
Guntis Grizāns

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Guntis Grizāns, Grizāns
Rīga, Bolderājas jaunie kapi

Guntis Grizāns, 18.02.1942 – 17.08.2023, was born in Vilaka, Balvu County. He spent his childhood in Andrupene, Latgale during the war. Father - Eduards Grizānes was a railway worker and mother - Malvīne Grizāne was more of a housewife. After the war, he studied at the secondary school in Riga, then at the art school as a turner. Served in the Soviet Army. Graduated from Riga Polytechnic Institute (now Riga Technical University) as a mechanical engineer. He lived in Riga for the rest of his life. Worked at one workplace all his life - at the "Ellars" factory.

Son Juris (engineer, who works at RTU), Juris' mother (Guntis' divorced wife), adopted daughter Jelena, grandson Edgars, brother Valdis, and other relatives, as well as members of the Riga Center Christ Church, mourn Gunt's passing.

Victor Maris Barviks writes:

"The faithful servant of Jesus Christ, our Brother in Christ, Guntis Grizāns, has gone on to be with our heavenly Father. Guntis lost his battle with Hodgkin's lymphoma yesterday, August 17. However, Guntis is in a much better place and is free of his pain and suffering. Praise to God!

In 2. Corinthians 5:8 Paul writes, “We are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.”

Guntis is one of the most godly men I have known. I understand that my father, who went to be with the Lord in October 1995, asked Guntis earlier that year after Guntis’ baptism to look out after me. This Guntis did, being a great help to the work and a great friend to the family. Thank you, Lord, for Guntis.

I regret not having done more for Guntis to prolong his life. Humble Guntis had a disposition against the idea of traveling to a foreign clinic for treatment or dishing out larger sums of money for treatment. I should have insisted and helped him.

Paul wrote in 1. Corinthians 11:1: “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.” I think Guntis could say the same to other disciples.

Thank God Guntis is now in a good place!

Sarmite Barvika writes:

"Guntis was close to our family. I am especially grateful for his help to my mother Anna, who passed away on 07.01.2023. He helped us a lot in our household.

May God rest his soul."


Mark Niehls shaared memories:

My first impressions of Guntis came from observing how he served the Riga Center Church of Christ, his friend and brother Viktor Barviks; the missionary with the Church, and as a team member with me serving through Camp Hope! 

He was always and consistently a quiet, humble, servant leader!  Those impressions never changed over time.

He was often the first or among the first to arrive and set up for Sunday church assemblies!

I only knew Guntis in his golden years but was so impressed at how he was willing to work with, and serve, even our youngest boy campers at Camp Hope.  He helped move many heavy boxes of materials needed for Camp Hope.

This year, Camp Hope 2023 for foster kids and orphans, was not the same without the servant leadership of Guntis Grizans!

What a tremendous example he was to me and all of the many Americans who have come over the last 14 years to conduct Camp Hope.

Guntis we love you and have missed you already!!!

Rest in God’s peace and loving embrace for all of eternity!!!

“Well done good and faithful servant!  … Enter into the joy of your Master!” Matthew 25:21

Guntis will be buried in the New Bolderāja cemetery (Jaunie Bolderājas kapi) on 23 tg August 2023 only in the presence of close family members.

The family asks for privacy during the time of mourning.

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Davids Slaidins (Slaidiņš - in Latvian)Davids Slaidins (Slaidiņš - in Latvian)Знакомый16.06.199318.06.2023

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