
Ivan Kovgan

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Ivan Kovgan, the deputy commander of the Russian “peacekeeping contingent” in Karabakh was among the 8 Russian soldiers killed by the Azerbaijani Army yesterday. Kovgan was also the deputy commander of the submarine forces of the Russian Northern Fleet.


Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev has apologized for the deaths of Russian peacekeepers killed during Baku’s military campaign this week to regain control of the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Kremlin said Thursday.

“[Aliyev] emphasized that the most thorough investigation into the incident will be carried out and all those responsible will be duly punished,” the Kremlin said in a statement.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said one of its vehicles came under small-arms fire while returning from an observation post on Wednesday, near a Karabakh village that bears the Azeri name of Janyatag and the Armenian name of Chankatagh. 

“As a result of the shelling, the Russian servicemen in the vehicle were killed,” the ministry said without specifying the number of peacekeepers who perished. 

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