
Abdesalem Lassoued

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Дата смерті:
Вбивця, Терорист
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The Islamist terrorist Abdesalem Lassoued who murdered 2 Swedish football fans in Brussels was in prison in Tunisia for murder.

He escaped during the Arab Spring in 2011 & crossed illegally on boat to Lampedusa, Italy in the same year & moved to Sweden in 2012.

After a few years, Lassoued was deported back to Italy where he was flagged up by security police DIGOS as a radicalised Islamist He then moved to Belgium. He was denied asylum in Italy, Sweden, Norway & Belgium, but was able to spend 12 years in Europe without getting deported.

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Kent PerssonKent PerssonЖертва17.10.2023
        2Patrik LundströmPatrik LundströmЖертва17.10.2023
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