
Rudolf Wittman

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Рудольф Виттман
1 загиблий російсько-українська війни 2014-24, Клуб 27, Легіонер
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A 27-year-old Romanian man by the name of Rudolf Wittman has died on the front lines in Ukraine. His friends say that a Russian drone may have been responsible for his demise. 

Rudolf Wittman is the first Romanian citizen to die in the war in Ukraine, according to TVR.

Wittman was from Arad and had voluntarily enlisted in the Ukraine's Foreign Legion a year ago when the war began. He had also served in the French Foreign Legion.

Rudolf Wittman had been drawn to the military and firearms since childhood. He was also passionate about airsoft.

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed the death of the young man from Arad and will handle the repatriation formalities.

[email protected]

(Photo source: Іванна Петрасюк on Facebook)

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