
Raz Mizrahi

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The Chabad of Suffern community was left reeling when the news came: Their beloved Israeli friend Raz Mizrahi, a wounded Israel Defense Forces soldier, was among the 260 killed at the Nova music festival, one of the sites of a massive surprise attack by Hamas militants that took place Saturday.

Mizrahi was 21 years old.

Just last month, Mizrahi was in Ramapo, speaking at the Mega Challah Bake, a festive event that takes place each year just before Rosh Hashanah.

She shared her story of recovery from physical and psychic injuries suffered when a terrorist mowed her down with his car as she was on patrol in the old city of Jerusalem, leaving her in fear that she would never walk again.

Several of the women who met Mizrahi at the Challah Bake were anticipating seeing her again in two weeks, as a group from Rockland planned to visit Israel together.

Then came news of the attacks.

"It hits home hard," said Devorah Gancz, rebbetzin of the Chabad of Suffern.

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