
Georgi Afanasiev

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Georgi Vasilevich Afanasiev (Belarus, 24.12.1909 - 26.03.1971)

Геoргій Вaсільевіч Aфaнaсьеў 

Belarusian chess composer 

Russian composer born in Moscow, who settled in Belarus and worked as a builder, but after the last world war and until 1957 served in the armed forces of his country.

Chess composing:

He began composing at the age of 18, eventually creating about 120 chess studies (of which half were made in collaboration with his friend E.I. Dvizov)

Successes in composing of chess studies:

Georgi Afanasiev, who cultivated the technique of the miniature in almost permanent form with ideas as simple as interesting, obtained prizes and honorable mentions in several competitions. In addition, several posthumous articles on subjects of his predilection were published in the magazines "EG", "Szachy" and "Problem", with the same success as his chess studies.

Source: “El arte del Estudio del Ajedrez”- T.IV (Ex Unión Sovietica) Autor: Zoilo R. Caputto- Bs.As. (Argentina) - 1996.


Source: Website of 

Others: 15 chess studies by Georgi Afanasiev are selected on the Website of ARVES.

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