
Richard Kenneth Guy

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Richard Kenneth Guy (England, 30.09.1916 - 09.03.2020 Canada)

Mathematician and chess composer of problems and chess studies

Richard Kenneth Guy (30 September 1916 – 9 March 2020) was a British mathematician and chess composer

He was a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Calgary. He is known for his work in number theory, geometry, recreational mathematics, combinatorics, and graph theory. He is best known for co-authorship (with John Conway and Elwyn Berlekamp) of Winning Ways for your Mathematical Plays and authorship of Unsolved Problems in Number Theory. He published more than 300 scholarly articles Guy proposed the partially tongue-in-cheek "strong law of small numbers", which says there are not enough small integers available for the many tasks assigned to them – thus explaining many coincidences and patterns found among numerous cultures.[6] For this paper he received the MAA Lester R. Ford Award.

Early life
Guy was born 30 September 1916 in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, to Adeline Augusta Tanner and William Alexander Charles Guy. Both of his parents were teachers, rising to the rank of headmistress and headmaster, respectively. He attended Warwick School for Boys, the third oldest school in Britain, but was not enthusiastic about most of the curriculum. He was good at sports and excelled in mathematics. At the age of 17 he read Dickson's History of the Theory of Numbers. He said it was better than "the whole works of Shakespeare", solidifying his lifelong interest in mathematics.

In 1935 Guy entered Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, as a result of winning several scholarships. To win the most important of these he had to travel to Cambridge and write exams for two days. His interest in games began while at Cambridge where he became an avid composer of chess problems. In 1938, he was graduated with a second-class honours degree; he would later state that his failure to get a first may have been related to his obsession with chess. Although his parents strongly advised against it, Guy decided to become a teacher and got a teaching diploma at the University of Birmingham. He met his future wife, Nancy Louise Thirian, through her brother Michael, who was a fellow scholarship winner at Gonville and Caius. He and Louise shared loves of mountain climbing and dancing. They married in December 1940

War years
In November 1942, Guy received an emergency commission in the Meteorological Branch of the Royal Air Force, with the rank of flight lieutenant. He was posted to Reykjavik, and later to Bermuda, as a meteorologist. He tried to get permission for Louise to join him but was refused. While in Iceland, he did some glacier travel, skiing, and mountain climbing, marking the beginning of another long love affair, this one with snow and ice. When Guy returned to England after the war, he went back to teaching, this time at Stockport Grammar School, but stayed only two years. In 1947 the family moved to London, where he got a job teaching mathematics at Goldsmiths' College.

Later life and death

Wikinews has related news:
British mathematician Richard K. Guy dies at 103
In 1951 he moved to Singapore, where he taught at the University of Malaya until 1962. He then spent a few years at the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, India. While they were in India, he and Louise went mountaineering in the foothills of the Himalayas. Guy moved to Canada in 1965, settling down at the University of Calgary in Alberta, where he obtained a professorship.Although he officially retired in 1982, he still went to the office five days a week to work, even as he passed the age of 100.Along with George Thomas and John Selfridge, Guy taught at Canada/USA Mathcamp during its early years.

In 1991 the University of Calgary awarded him an honorary doctorate. Guy said that they gave him the degree out of embarrassment, although the university stated that "his extensive research efforts and prolific writings in the field of number theory and combinatorics have added much to the underpinnings of game theory and its extensive application to many forms of human activity."Guy and his wife Louise (who died in 2010) remained very committed to mountain hiking and environmentalism even in their later years. In 2014, he donated $100,000 to the Alpine Club of Canada for the training of amateur leaders. In turn, the Alpine Club has honoured them by building the Louise and Richard Guy Hut near the base of Mont des Poilus.They had three children, among them computer scientist and mathematician Michael J. T. Guy.

His Chess problems

From 1947 to 1951 Guy was the endings editor for British Chess Magazine.He is known for almost 200 endgame studies. Along with Hugh Blandford and John Roycroft, he is one of the inventors of the GBR code (Guy–Blandford–Roycroft code), a system of representing the position of chess pieces on a chessboard. Publications including EG use it to classify endgame types and to index endgame studies.

Source: Wikipedia

Others: On Dutch Website of are selected 22 chess studies with solution.

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