
Josef Hasek

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Josef Hasek (Czechoslovakia, 02.03.1897 - 1981)

Chess composer and author of 328 endgame studies

Published by John Beasley, March 1999: 

"One of the most attractive schools of chess study composition has been that of the Czechs and their Central European neighbours. I say "school" with slight reservations, because the number of participants has barely crept into double figures, but nevenheless a style and pattern is apparent. It is chamcterized by naturalness of position combined with piquancy of play, and is much closer to the parent game than the more aiificial "puzzle" study pioneered by Troitzky in Russia (though Troitzky's positions seem naturalness itself compared with what is being otlered nowadays). lf Richard Réti and Artur Mandler are its best known, there were several others who also produced some finest work: Oldřich Duras, Josef Moravec, Frantjiek Dedrle... One was also Josef Hasek"

About his endgame studies: Hasek is a very well-known study composer who designed his studies in a well-considered and visually appealing way. His works appeal to chess players because of their closeness to the chess game.

Others: 6 endgame studies with solution are selected on Website (by Peter Boll)

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