
Olga Pronina

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, Мото гонщик, Постраждалий в аварії, жертва
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Russia's 'sexiest motorcyclist' dies in tragic high-speed crash.

A woman who was dubbed Russia’s "sexiest motorcyclist" after she posted footage her stunts on social media, has died in a high speed crash.

Olga Pronina was followed by hundreds of thousands of people on Instagram which she regularly updated with pictures and videos.

The 40-year-old, was speeding through Vladivostok, an eastern Russian city near the border with China and North Korea, when she crashed into a fence.

She passed away from her injuries before the emergency services could reach her.

Monika - real name Olga Pronina - had 140,000 social media followers fascinated by her love of speed, rule-breaking and glamour.

The biker was killed after colliding at speed with a crash barrier on her BMW S1000RR in the Primorsky region of eastern Russia. 

She was wearing a helmet but no other protection gear in the crash.

Aged 40, and known for her risqué semi-naked poses with her beloved motorbike, the biker received multiple injuries and died before the ambulance arrived. 

Traffic police established that she had 21 years of experience riding motorbikes, but was also known for violating speed regulations.

Olga bragged to her online followers about riding at 250 km an hour (155 mph), and was seen as a female star in a macho world.

Her death brought a vivid reaction on the web, many admiring her risk-taking, others condemning it as reckless.

One summed up her philosophy which inspired many and scared others: 'She chose danger.' 

A friend said he was mourning the loss of woman who showed others how to see the fun in life. 

'I found out about Monika's death yesterday at around 7pm,' he said. 'Eyewitnesses of the crash called and told about this tragic accident. 

'Olga had a truly bright personality, and was very soft-hearted. If someone asked for her help, she would immediately come and try to do whatever she could. 

Maksim, a biker from Blagoveshchensk, said: 'Olga was kind, an easy to get on with person which is very rare for such a beautiful and popular girl.

'She was a very good biker - she had a feel for it.

'It was a complete shock for me that she lost control.' 

A follower said: 'Horrific, very sorry, condolences to her family and loved ones... may she rest in peace.' 

Eduard Khasanov, director of a car and motorbike driving school in Vladivostok, said: 'Olga disregarded basic safety rules.

'Very often she rode without necessary protective gear - and at very high speed, sometimes over 200 kph. 

'It is very sad that a young woman and mother died.

'We can only be upset that more and more bikers die on roads of Primorsky region lately, and that's because of ignoring basic safety regulations.' 


Olga Pronina
Date of birth: September 26, 1977
Died: 31 July 2017, Vladivostok, Russia

He died in a motorcycle accident on Olga Pronina, one of the highways in the Primorsky region, east of Russia. The forty-year-old woman slammed at the speed limit at high speed. Although he was wearing a helmet, he did not have any other protective equipment, he wandered in street clothes, T-shirts and jeans. By the time the ambulance arrived at the scene, she died of injuries.
Pronina was a real star on Instagram: Monika9422's profile was followed by nearly 140,000 fans. He maintained frequent attention to his attention and videos, and often performed high-speed video at his videos. Ten thousand people suddenly followed the Instagram profile to her death news. 

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