
John Selman

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John Selman (Netherlands, 09.04.1910 - 02.01.1978)

Chess player and significant chess composer and writer of endgame studies

"John Selman was born in Amsterdam. He studied chemical engineering and became archivist at Shell in the Hague. He called himself junior because he had an older brother, dr. J.Selman, who ran a chess column in Limburgs Dagblad. He was of great importance for Dutch composing and was study editor of De Schaakwereld from 1940-1942 and Schaakmat from 1947-1949. In 1958 he became FIDE judge of chess composition. Besides composing he also carried out important historical research and he was able to reconstruct the history of Saavedra's move.(Source: Endgame study composing in the Netherlands and Flanders, Jan van Reek and Henk van Donk.) 
Harrie Grondijs published a book "No Rook Unturned" about this history.

John Selman composed one study which was awarded first prize."

Source; Website

Others: 12 endgame studies composd by Selman are selected on Website ARVES

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