
Philipp von Klett

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Maximilian Philipp Friedrich Klett, von Klett from 1880, (born July 20, 1833 in Ludwigsburg; † October 1, 1910 in Calw) was a German chess composer and military officer.

Klett was a career officer at the Ludwigsburg Cadet Institute and was promoted to captain there. From 1870 to 1874 he was commander of the Ludwigsburg War School. He was appointed to the Württemberg War Ministry.

For his services, Klett was awarded the Honorary Knight's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown in 1880, with which the personal nobility was associated.

Klett spent his last years in retirement in Calw. He died in his home.

Chess composition
Philipp von Klett is considered one of the most important composers of the old German school of chess composition. His collection of tasks, published in 1878, contains 112 tasks, mostly more - mover tasks. In it he described chess problems as “mathematical poetry”. In an obituary in the Deutsche Schachzeitung in 1910, Klett's extensive mastery of positions was highlighted as a special achievement.

Outstanding achievement in the field of chess composition

 Klett's works are still considered to be among the classic works of chess composition literature. 

Source: Germain Wikipedia

Chess compositions: On the Chess Problem Database Server can be found 107 chess problems by him.

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