
Ebrahim Raisi

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Ebrahim Raisolsadati commonly known as Ebrahim Raisi was an Iranian politician who served as eighth president of Iran from 2021 until his death in 2024. A Principlist and a Muslim jurist, he became president after the 2021 election.

Raisi served in several positions in Iran's judicial system. He was also Deputy Prosecutor and Prosecutor of Tehran in the 1980s and 1990s. Often known as the "butcher of Tehran", he was one of the four people on the prosecution committee, which was responsible for the execution of thousands of political prisoners in Iran in 1988 and is hence labeled the "death committee". He was sanctioned by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control in accordance with Executive Order 13876. He was accused of crimes against humanity by international human rights organizations and United Nations special rapporteurs.

He was later Deputy Chief Justice (2004–2014), Attorney General (2014–2016), and Chief Justice (2019–2021). He was Custodian and Chairman of Astan Quds Razavi, a bonyad, from 2016 until 2019. He was a member of Assembly of Experts from South Khorasan Province, being elected for the first time in the 2006 election. He was the son-in-law of Mashhad Friday prayer leader and Grand Imam of Imam Reza shrine, Ahmad Alamolhoda.

Raisi ran for president in 2017 as the candidate of the conservative Popular Front of Islamic Revolution Forces, losing to moderate incumbent president Hassan Rouhani, 57% to 38.3%. Raisi successfully ran for president a second time in 2021 with 62.9% of the votes, succeeding Hassan Rouhani. According to many observers, the 2021 Iranian presidential election was rigged in favour of Raisi, who was considered an ally of Ali Khamenei. Raisi was often seen as a frontrunner to succeed Khamenei as Supreme Leader. However, as a result of his death in the 2024 Varzaqan helicopter crash, that never occurred. Considered a hardliner in Iranian politics, Raisi's presidency saw deadlock in negotiations with the U.S. over the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and large-scale protests throughout the country in late 2022, triggered by the death of Mahsa Amini on 16 September. During Raisi's term, Iran intensified uranium enrichment, hindered international inspections, and supported Russia in its invasion of Ukraine. Additionally, Iran launched a missile and drone attack on Israel during the Gaza conflict and continued arming proxy groups like Hezbollah and the Houthi movement.

On 19 May 2024, Raisi, foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and other officials were involved in a helicopter crash near Varzaqan. State-run media later confirmed their deaths.

Early life and education

Ebrahim Raisi was born on 14 December 1960 to a clerical family in the Noghan district of Mashhad. His father, Seyed Haji, died when he was 5. Ancestrally, Raisi was among Husayn ibn Ali (Hussaini) Sayyids, and he was connected to Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin Sayyids.

Raisi passed his primary-education in "Javadiyeh school"; then started studying in the Hawza (Islamic seminary). In 1975, he went to "Ayatollah Boroujerdi School" in order to continue his education in Qom Seminary. He has claimed to have received a doctorate degree in private law from Motahari University; however, this has been disputed.

Clerical credentials

Raisi began his studies at the Qom Seminary at the age of 15. He then decided to study in the Navvab school for a short time. After that, he went to Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Mousavi Nezhad school, where he studied while also teaching other students. In 1976, he went to Qom to continue his studies at the Ayatollah Borujerdi school. He was a student of Seyyed Hossein Borujerdi, Morteza Motahhari, Abolghasem Khazali, Hossein Noori Hamedani, Ali Meshkini and Morteza Pasandideh. Raisi also passed his "KharejeFeqh" (external-Fiqh) to Seyyed Ali Khamenei and Mojtaba Tehrani. According to Alex Vatanka of the Middle East Institute, Raisi's "exact religious qualification" is a "sore point". "For a while" prior to investigation by the Iranian media, he "referred to himself" as "Ayatollah" on his personal website. However, according to Vatanka, the media "publicized his lack of formal religious education" and credentials, after which Raisi ceased claiming to hold the aforementioned rank. After this investigation and criticism he "refer[ed] to himself as hojat-ol-eslam", a clerical rank immediately beneath that of Ayatollah. Raisi subsequently again declared himself an Ayatollah shortly before the 2021 presidential election. The decree by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei appointing him as President, refers to him as a hojat-ol-eslam.

Political views

Raisi was widely considered to be a hardliner in Iranian politics. He strongly supported sex segregation. He said in a 2014 interview about a planned segregation in Tehran Municipality that "I think this is a good move because the majority of women do a better job in a totally relaxed atmosphere and fit are required." He was a supporter of Islamization of universities, revision of the Internet and censorship of Western culture. Raisi claimed that economic sanctions were an opportunity. Raisi said: "We will have guidance patrols, but for managers." He also said: "If the government does well, the people will do well." He stated that the amputation of thieves' hands, which is based on a very strict interpretation of Sharia, is one of "our honours" and that such punishments will not be limited to now and will be continued in the future. He stated that he should be honoured and esteemed for his role in the 1988 Iranian mass executions of political prisoners.

Raisi was one of nine Iranian officials listed in November 2019 subjected to sanctions by the United States Department of State due to alleged human rights abuses. He was sanctioned by the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control in accordance with Executive Order 13876. He was accused of crimes against humanity by international human rights organizations and United Nations special rapporteurs. A formal request had been made to arrest Raisi for crimes against humanity, if he attended the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Scotland.

Women's rights

In state-led media, Raisi said that "no one has the right to violate the freedom and rights of girls and women" and "It is incomplete to talk about culture and economy without the role of women." He emphasized that "Women's rights are God-given, and the government should not only not lose this right, but it should also create the conditions for it to flourish" and "In many spaces, women's role-playing is empty and women's talent, creativity, initiative and innovation can be used a lot."

Raisi signed orders creating stricter hijab restrictions for women in Iran. 

Intellectuals and artists

Raisi stated: "The intellectual of the society understands before the others and watches the threats of the society and soon warns the society with his poetry and art and saves the society from falling asleep like a muezzin"; According to him, supporting the people of culture and art should not be verbal and should lead to action. He said: Teachers are the true intellectuals of society and must observe and warn of harm; Teachers are the identifiers and civilizers of society.


Raisi has made discriminatory remarks about homosexuality, calling same-sex relations "savagery." The Center for Human Rights in Iran asserts that this type of rhetoric exacerbates prejudice and violence against LGBTQ+ individuals in the country.


On 19 May 2024, Raisi's helicopter was involved in a crash near the town of Julfa, on the border with Azerbaijan. He died in the crash. After the helicopter was still missing for almost half a day, The Economist reported that "It seems increasingly likely that Iran's president is dead, along with the foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian," noting that the crash site was in a remote area and that overnight temperatures were in the low single digits. It was also previously reported that the region was mountainous and foggy. Iran's semi-official news agency, Mehr News reported him as having been, "Martyred in the crash."

Personal life

Raisi was married to Jamileh Alamolhoda, daughter of Mashhad Friday Prayers Imam, Ahmad Alamolhoda. She is an associate professor at Tehran's Shahid Beheshti University and president of the university's Institute of Fundamental Studies of Science and Technology. They have two daughters and two grandchildren. One of their daughters studied at Sharif University and the other at Tehran University.


Among Raisi's works are as follows: The books of "Lectures on the rules of jurisprudence" including 3 volumes (in judicial, economic and religious sections); Erse-Bi-Wares (Inheritance without heirs); Conflict of principle and appearance in jurisprudence and law.



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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Hossein Amir-AbdollahianHossein Amir-AbdollahianКоллега23.04.196419.05.2024
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