
Yosi Retter

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Yosi Retter (18-12-1934 - 20-08-2022) Israeli chess composer and International Master

Yosi was one of the best Israeli composers, an International Master of chess composition, a very versatile composer in many fields but mainly two-movers and three-movers.

Solver of chess problems:

Yosi was also a strong solver participating several times in the Israeli teams to WCSC (winning 2nd place in 1985).                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Yosi served for many years in the managerial team of the Israeli Chess problem society and promoted in Israel several composing competitions for young composers. As Marjan Kovacevic noted on Mat Plus Forum, Yosi Retter's "skills in constructing most difficult thematic combinations were amazing".

Many of us knew him personally through his regular visits to the WCCC meetings. There he stood out as an extremely versatile and successful composer and through his lively, friendly nature, which made him appear much younger than he actually was.

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