
Dieter Müller

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Dieter Müller (14-10-1946 - 18-03-2019)

German chess composer and International Master of the FIDE

 Dieter Müller was active in problem chess in many ways; first and foremost as a highly productive and successful composer (if you search for his name in the PDB, almost 3000 hits are displayed), as an organiser he published his own small magazine (Problem-Echo), in which he organised composition tournaments in which the participating authors also had to take on the role of judges; he was also one of the organisers of the Sachsentreffen for decades. Torsten Linß wrote in his obituary in harmonie-aktiv that.

Dieter Müller was a mentor, motivator and inspirer for many (then) young problemists who started composing in the GDR in the early 1980s, alongside Manfred Zucker and Günter Schiller

Dieter Müller composed direct mates, helpmates and fairy problems. In the field of fairy chess he invented for instance the Reichenbacher chess (see feenschach 16, August 1973, pg 113 or in French on e-chekk), a precursor variant of Vogtländer chess.

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