
Philippe Robert

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Philippe Robert (02-08-1938 - 17-04-2016) French chess composer and FIDE Master

Philippe Robert composed direct mates in two moves and was the two-mover editor of Phénix magazine.

 Michel Caillaud wrote on MatPlus.Net:

"Philippe Robert died yesterday 17th of April 2016 after a 3-weeks disease.
Born on 2nd of August 1938, he was a surgeon by profession, deeply involved in humanitarian action. Every year, he spent long periods in Africa as a benevolent helping in hospitals. He actively participated in organizations "Médecins sans Frontières" (co-founder), "Terre des Hommes - France" (vice president) and "Enfance et Partage" (president).
In the problem field, his interest was the orthodox two-mover. He was two-mover editor of the Phenix magazine, and a regular attendant at the french meetings. The occasions when I met, and sometimes worked with, this friendly and elegant man are all good memories. He will be sadly missed."

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