
Antonin König

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Antonín König (22-04-1836 - 01-10-1911) Czech chess composer of chess problems

Antonín König is considered as the founder of the famous Bohemian School. For a few details about this chess composition school, see this short article by Gary Kevin Ware.
As WFCC states:
On January 4th 1869, the Czech (Bohemian at that time) magazine “Svetozor” published an article by Antonín König (1836-1911), a painter and the founder of the Bohemian school in chess composition. This article is known as one of the earliest sources considering chess composition as an independent form of Art.

Die Schwalbe (magazine for chess composition) reports in Issue 251, October 2011:

"A. König was one of the pioneers of the Bohemian school and had appeared as a composer since 1857 with individual problems in the Illustrierte Familien-Journal and in the Leipziger Ill. Zeitung as a composer. In 1869 König formulated the thesis in an essay that chess problems can be based on two different ideas, namely 1. the idea of the mate position and 2. the idea of the game. However, to see this as a distinction between the Bohemian school, which was only in its early stages at the time, and strategic ideas seems to anticipate later developments too far."




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