Octav Costăchel
- Дата народження:
- 06.09.1911
- Дата смерті:
- 16.12.1987
- Категорії:
- Шахіст
- Громадянство:
- &nbs
- Кладовище:
- Встановіть кладовищі
Octav Costăchel (06-09-1911 - 16-12-1987) Romanian chess composer of chess problems
Prof. Octav Costăchel was the president of the Romanian Chess Federation between 1962-67. Octav Costăchel and George Teodoru both supported the birth and publication of the chess problem magazine "Buletin Problemistic" in 1971. He gave his name to a twomover theme. Costăchel theme: Black defends itself by interfering with one of its own pieces and simultaneously pinning a white piece. The white pinned piece sets mat, exploiting the black interference, on the pinning line. (Alan Doris Battiston)
The Costăchel Thematic Tourney organized in 1936 by "Strategia" had remained unjudged and was finally awarded by a collective team on Mat Plus. He composed direct mates and helpmates problems.
Source: chesscomposers.blogspot.com
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