
Rudolf L'Hermet

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Johann Georg Rudolf L'hermet (* 28 December 1859 in Magdeburg; † 25 November 1945 in Schönebeck (Elbe)) was a German chess master and chess composer.

His life
L'hermet came from a Huguenot family from the neighbourhood of Nîmes, who had lived in Magdeburg since 1702. After attending the Viktoria-Gymnasium in Burg, he dedicated himself to the merchant's profession and eventually became director of the Provinzial-Sächsische and neighbouring chambers of commerce. He lived in Schönebeck.

Tournament chess
L'hermet remained loyal to the Magdeburg Chess Club throughout his life. He played against Wilhelm Steinitz, Louis Paulsen and Emil Schallopp, among others. From 1883, he ran the chess column of the Magdeburg newspaper for more than 50 years.

Chess composition
L'hermet published his first chess composition as early as 1879 in the Deutsche Schachzeitung, followed by more than 600 publications around the world.


Die Schwalbe, Issue 240, December 2009 wrote:

"Rudolf L'Hermet (28 November 1859-25 November 1945) was born 150 years ago. He composed for more than six decades, mostly emulating his role models Sam Loyd and Shinkman, and was also a successful party player and long-time Madgeburg club chairman".


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