
Attila Benedek

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Attila Benedek (04-03-1921 - 02-02-2010) Hungarian chess composer and FIDE Master in chess composition

Attila Benedek started chess composing at the age of 40 and is the author of about 800 chess problems in all genres. He was also an International Judge and the Hungarian delegate at the PCCC meetings during 20 years.
He published a 82 page book about his career.

Die Schwalbe (magazine for chess composing), Issue 242, April 2010 wrote about him: "Attila Benedek, born on 4 March 1921, was supposed to head the list of jubilarians in this issue, but then we received the sad news that he passed away on 2 February. A man of many artistic interests, Benedek only came to problem chess at the age of around 40, tried his hand at a wide variety of compositions and achieved his greatest successes in the auxiliary mate. After taking over the management of the Hungarian Problemists' Association, he attended the PCCC meetings as the Hungarian delegate and later became one of the vice-presidents of the commission for several years. In addition, from 1986 he headed the problem column of Magyar Sakkélet until the last issue of this traditional journal, which was published in mid-2002. Benedek published a selection of his compositions in 2007 as an electronic book entitled That's all "



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