
Axel Akerblom

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Johan Axel Åkerblom (21-10-1904 - 05-06-1980) Swedish chess composer and International Master of chess composition

Axel Akerblom would have been 100 years old on 2 1 October (21.10.1904-5.6.1980). He was a journalist and party player who had also composed more than 5000 problems since his composing debut in 1920, including around 300 studies since the 1940s, which (according to Bondarenko) earned him the nickname "the Swedish Kubbel". From 1928 to 1945 he was problem editor of Schachvärlden.

On Dutch Website is written:

"Known chess composer and strong player born in Avesta, journalist as profession who began to compose around 1920.
In his 60 years of activity, it is estimated that he performed more than 2,500 art works between chess problems and endgame studies.
The most representative studies are of the style of the miniatures, with excellent aesthetic presentation and elegant maneuvers.
In other activities Akerblom was editor of a problem section of the magazine "Schackvärlden" between 1928 and 1945, judge (since 1956) and international master FIDE for composition (since 1967)
The work of this artist was described precisely under that title in the book "Axel Akerblom, schackkonstnar" (Uppsala, 1989),
written by R. Fröberg, A. Hildelbrand, A. Hulberg, A.UddGren and K. Widlert,
They published 151 problems, several games and 40 studies of Akerblom, that in their great majority are miniatures of tables."


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