
Charles Gilberg

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Charles Alexander Gilberg (Camden, 17 July 1835 - Brooklyn, 21 January 1898) was an American chess composer.

As a partner in a large import company, he devoted much of his spare time to composing chess problems . He composed about 300 chess problems, most of them in two and three moves. He was president of numerous American chess clubs, including the Manhattan Chess Club, the Brooklyn Chess Club and the New York Chess Association, which he also supported financially.

He published at his own expense the collection of 200 of his problems Crumbs from the chess-board (New York, 1890), an edition with a special focus on graphics, diagrams with green and white squares and blue and red pieces. 

His other problems were published in American Chess-Nuts (New York, 1868) and contained 2,406 problems by authors from the American continent.

He wrote a book on the Fifth American Congress (New York, 1880, won by George Mackenzie ), a volume of over 500 pages with biographies of the participants, annotated games and problems from the composition competition associated with the tournament.


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