
Lola Deviet

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Дата смерті:
Жертва, Учень, жертва ІДІЛ
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On 14 October 2022, at about 16:30 , Johan Daviet reported the disappearance of his daughter to a police station after she failed to return home from school.

 As the caretaker of the apartment building, he consulted CCTV footage. Lola was seen entering the building at 15:20, before following a woman, suspected to be Dahbia Benkired. According to Benkired's initial confession, she lured Lola into Benkired's sister's apartment and ordered the girl to shower. Benkired then forced Lola to perform cunnilingus on her before putting adhesive tape on the girl's face.

 After Lola's death, Benkired stabbed the body. Lola's mother, Delphine, posted a message on Facebook at 18:45 reporting her daughter's disappearance.

Police found duct tape and a box cutter in the apartment building's basement, and started a criminal investigation.

 At 23:30, a homeless man reported the discovery of a body inside of a travel trunk, the body had been mutilated and tied up.


On 17 October, 24-year-old Dahbia Benkired was indicted on charges of "murder of a minor under 15" and "rape with torture and acts of barbarism".

 Born in Algiers, Benkired came to France legally in May 2016 on a student visa. She had had no prior criminal record and was known to police as a victim of domestic violence in 2018.

 She is currently being held in isolation at Fresnes Prison.

Benkired had no job or home, and lived with an acquaintance in Val-de-Marne and her 26-year-old sister in the 19th arrondissement of Paris.

 Her sister testified to investigators that Benkired had been making incoherent statements at night.

 Lola's mother, the caretaker of the apartment where Benkired's sister lived, rejected Benkired's request for a pass to enter the apartment on her own.

Benkired was not known to psychiatric services, and was declared mentally fit to be interviewed by police. Benkired's lawyer, Alexandre Silva, denied that the murder was motivated by race.

On 21 August, Benkired was detained at Orly Airport for having neither a plane ticket nor valid identity papers, and was issued an obligation to leave the French territory (French: Obligation de quitter le territoire français; OQTF) the same day.

 As she had no criminal record, she was not sent to a detention centre, but given 30 days to return to Algeria.


During her interrogation, Benkired fluctuated between accepting and denying responsibility, and said that her account of committing the crime was actually a recall of a dream. At points, she blamed the crime on an armed stranger, or a ghost. When shown pictures of Lola's body, Benkired said "That doesn't make me hot, or cold. I was raped too and I saw my parents die in front of me". Benkired said that her motive was her dispute with Lola's mother.

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