
Francesc Vivas i Font

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Francesc Vivas i Font (Spain/Catalan, 08.10.1919 -26.08.1998)

Chess composer

Francesc Vivas i Font was always linked to the Club Ajedrez Barcelona, although it is possible that for a short time he was also associated with the Club Ajedrez Dalia. In those early years of his chess life, and in the following years, he met great chess enthusiasts there, from Valentín Marín to Miquel Albareda, as well as Antonio Medina and Arturo Pomar, to name the best known. But his primary passion was composition, I suppose contaminated by the presence of Henri Rinck, Francesc Armengol, Esteve Puig i Puig, Antonio F. Argüelles and, above all, José Mandil Pujadó, who was his mentor, although Vivas would not reach his level. Another of the notable Catalan composers, Jordi Breu i Noguera, wrote a short story about his beginnings in chess composition in the blog of the S.E.P.A., from which I have extracted the following paragraph confirming the above comment.

I believe it is a short writing, but it defines and clarifies the atmosphere that breathes in the Barcelona Chess Club. Anyone who is interested in reading this can connect with the next link: Jordi Breu i Noguera.

On some of the walls of the club you can see this poster from SEPA today… a story of a time that will never end.

Others: 7 endgame studies composed by him can be replayed on the Dutch Website



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