
Fritz Giegold

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Fritz Emil Giegold (* 2 March 1903 in Leupoldsgrün; † 13 November 1978 benda) was a German chess composer.

Chess composition
Giegold's first chess problem was published in the Hofer Anzeiger in 1916. He was Bavarian Problem Master in 1926 and 1948. A little later, he was awarded first and third prize in the Upper Franconian Problem Tournament in Selb. In 1931, he even won four out of six prizes in the Upper Franconian Problem Tournament in Michelau and was awarded the Badge of Honour of the Upper Franconian Chess Association. From 1948 until his death, he was responsible for the chess corner of the Frankenpost. In 1949 he became Bavarian Problem Master. He composed a total of around 850 chess problems, many of which also appeared in daily newspapers.

In the Hammelburg internment camp, where he was the "camp chess master", Giegold organised solving tournaments in 1947, which were very popular.

As his puzzles were usually visually appealing and puzzling, Giegold contributed greatly to the popularisation of chess composition and earned the nickname "puzzle uncle". This also made his puzzles popular with solvers. In 1960, Ado Kraemer characterised Giegold as a "problem composer who currently interprets the moment of the riddle in the chess problem in the strongest and most ingenious way."


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