
Wolfgang Weber

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Wolfgang Alexander Weber

Wolfgang Weber (* 18 March 1909 in Markersdorf (Rochlitz district); † 1 July 1981 in Karl-Marx-Stadt) was a German self-mate composer and author in chess.

Weber became aware of chess composition through the chess corners in Chemnitz newspapers: Walter Schlüter was head of the Chemnitzer Wochenschach section in the Chemnitzer Allgemeine Zeitung at the time, while Eduard Birgfeld was chess editor of the Chemnitzer Tageblatt.

Weber's first original print appeared on 4 July 1926 in the Chemnitzer Allgemeine Zeitung, a self-mattask at the suggestion of the editor. Throughout his life, Weber devoted his attention to this genre and composed only a few tasks of a different type. His self-mates with single-movement set play were labelled in international specialist circles as being of the Weber type, nowadays they are better known as fata morgana. Of his more than 750 compositions, 11 were included in the FIDE albums. He got 11 points in the list of chess composing.

Chess player
Weber was a player in performance class I. He played for Plauen and in his last years played free games on the evenings of Lok Karl-Marx-Stadt (now USG Chemnitz).

He was a founding member of the Commission for Problems and Studies in the German Chess Federation, which was established on 20 October 1957, and was its chairman for over 10 years. He was also a member of the Standing Commission for Chess Composition at FIDE. In 1958, he became International Adjudicator for Chess Composition.

When compiling the FIDE albums, he acted three times as tournament director and twice as album judge.

Private life
Weber lived in Chemnitz until 1937. After graduating from the Chemnitz Realgymnasium, he worked as an employee in the financial administration from 1927. Soon after moving to Plauen, he was called up for military service and was taken prisoner.

After the war, he initially worked as a transport, construction and road labourer, later at SDAG Wismut. In 1953, he began studying education in Halle, and from 1954 to 1956 he taught in a primary school. He had to give up this position for health reasons. He had a daughter from his second marriage. He returned to Karl-Marx-Stadt in March 1970. He did not retire until 1979.



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