
Alexander Yakiminski

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, Військова людина, Жертва, Жертва теракту, жертва ІДІЛ
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@JewishWarrior13, @MOSSADil

Sergeant Alexander Yakiminski, 19 years was killed today in the stabbing attack on the second floor of the Hutzot Karmiel Mall in the northern Israeli city of Karmiel 

Soldier died after killing the terrorist - Jawwad Omar Rubia, an Israeli citizen from the nearby Arab town of Nahf and saving countless lives.

Alexander served as a heavy truck driver in the 71st Battalion, 188th Brigade,

The IDF second person Sgt. Nathan Shimon Avni, also an off-duty soldier, was admitted to the hospital’s intensive care unit.


Police said the suspect, who was not named but identified as a Palestinian citizen of Israel from the town of Nahf, had been “neutralised”, and they were investigating the incident as a possible “terror attack”.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in a post on Telegram described the attack as a “heroic operation.


The Nazareth Magistrate’s Court on Thursday extended the detention of relatives of a terrorist who fatally stabbed an off-duty soldier and seriously wounded another at a commercial center in Karmiel a day earlier.

Haaretz reported that the assailant’s parents, sister and three of his brothers will be detained until July 11. Another brother, who is a minor, will remain in custody until Friday.

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        Jawwad Omar RubiaЗлочинець00.00.200303.07.2024

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