
Hodaya David

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Дата смерті:
Жертва, Жертва теракту, жертва ІДІЛ
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The David sisters, Hodaya, 26, and Tair, 23, from Beit Dagan, were murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Supernova music festival on October 7.

Their father, Uri, said he spent 30 minutes on the phone with them early Saturday morning as he heard volleys of gunfire nearby, instructing them to lie on the ground and breathe as they held hands. The line was cut, and he never heard from them again.

For a week he searched desperately for any information until two officers showed up at his home to tell him the bad news. Their deaths had been confirmed via DNA, he said, and they refused to let him or any other family members see the bodies: “They told me it was better for me to remember them how they were,” he told reporters.

The sisters were buried in Beit Dagan on October 14.

They are survived by their parents, Uri and Edna, sister Liza and brother Eden.

Hodaya, a pilates instructor, was about to turn 27 and had planned to spend her birthday in the Sinai Desert. Tair had just begun her studies a few weeks before she was killed and was working as a waitress.

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Tair DavidTair DavidСестра00.00.200007.10.2023
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