
Andrejs Auzāns

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Andrejs Auzāns, Андрейс Аузанс
, Академік, Військова людина, Пов'язані в Латвію, Полководець, Родом з Латвії, Учасник Першої світової війни, Учасник корпорації студента, Фізик
Встановіть кладовищі

Andrejs Auzāns (1871-1953) was a Latvian general and topographer.

He was former Major-General in the Russian imperial Army, having commanded the 7. Bauska Rifleman Regiment and the 2. Rifleman Brigade. Also served as Chief of the Russian General Staff Topographical Section, including in the Red Army.

Early life

Andrejs Auzāns was born on April 4, 1871, in Pļaviņu parish, Bormaņihomestead. He studied in parish schools in Koknese and Vietalva. In 1893 he graduated land surveyor school in Pskov.

Life until First World war

After graduating from land surveyor school Auzāns enlisted in militarytopography school which he graduated in 1895. Later he served aspodporuchik in Finland. Since 1896 he was an officer at a topography unit near St.Petersburg.

In 1900 he started studies in Russian Academy of General staff which he graduated in 1903 as a captain. In 1905 he graduated practical course ingeodesy and astronomy at the Pulkovo observatory and was admitted in the Russian General Staff. He has also participated in Russo-Japanese war. Later he served as an officer and topographer in Estonia, Finland,Manchuria and Turkmenistan. In 1907 he was promoted to the rank ofpodpolkovnik. From 1907 until 1910 he worked as a astronomer. In 1911 he was promoted to the rank of colonel. From 1911 until 1916 he was a director of Tashkent observatory.

First World war

When Latvian Riflemen units formed in 1915 Auzāns was in theUzbekistan. He returned to Latvia in 1916 and enlisted in Riflemen units becoming commander of 7th. Bauska Rifleman Regiment. Before the legendary Christmas Battles Auzāns was appointed commander of a 2nd. Latvian Rifleman Brigade. In 1917 he was promoted to the rank of Major-General and appointed Chief of the Russian General Staff Topographical Section. He stayed in this post also after the October revolution until 1920. Since 1921 he worked as a lecturer in Soviet military academy.

Life in the Republic of Latvia

Auzāns returned to Latvia in 1923 and enlisted in the Latvian army. He was promoted to the rank of general and became Member of Military Council at the Ministry of War . In 1927 he became chief of the Topographical section of the Latvian army HQ. Also he worked as a lecturer in the Latvian military academy. In 1933 he reached maximum service age and retired. In later years he published several books about topography and military history. Also he was a chief of a Latvian Rifleman association.

Last years

After Occupation of Latvia in 1940 Auzāns was not repressed. He didn't collaborate neither with soviet neither with nazi powers. In autumn 1944 he together with family emigrated to Germany. In 1948 he settled in Great Britain. Andrejs Auzāns died in March 23, 1953 in Stockport, Great Britain. He was buried in local cemetery.


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        4Augusts Ernests MisiņšAugusts Ernests MisiņšКоллега21.12.186308.07.1940
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        17.09.1916 | Pirmais Pasaules karš. Beidzas Smārdes kaujas

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        05.01.1917 | Christmas Battles

        The Christmas Battles (Latvian:Ziemassvētku kaujas; German:Aa-Schlachten; Russian:Митавская операция) were offensive operations of the Russian army during World War I in the area of Jelgava, Latvia, by the 12th Army of the Northern Front. They took place from December 23 (January 5) untill December 29 (January 11) 1916 (1917). The Army was commanded by Gen. Radko Dimitriev; it was opposed by the 8th German Army. The battles took place in a swampy region, Tīreļpurvs (Tīrelis swamp), between Lake Babīte and Jelgava. The main assault force was the VI Siberian Rifle Corps which included two Latvian Rifleman brigades. Incompetence of Russian high command leaded to disastrous events in the Army. A month later February revolution begun.

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