
Augusts Rozindarzs

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Augusts Roziņdārzs Jēkaba dēls
, Военный орден Лачплесиса, Родом з Латвії, Учасник Першої світової війни, учасник визвольної боротьби
Встановіть кладовищі

Serviert in den Regimentern der Lettischen Schützen

Serviert: 5. Zemgales latviešu strēlnieku bataljons (pulks) 1. rota


  • 17.1916, Cross of St. George 3 class, Nr. 130472

Zusätzliche Informationen (in lettischer Sprache):

ROZIŅDĀRZS Augusts Jēkaba d. dzimis 1892.12.02. Praviņu pagastā - miris 1984. Rīgā, jūrnieks, bataljonā no 1915.11.-Daugavgrīvas cietokšņa zemessargu bataljons. LR armijas seržants 1919.-1920. LKOK (par 1919.03.11. pret Bermontu)


Джерело:, atvaļinātais pulkv. Jānis Hartmanis

немає місць


        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Jānis RoziņdārzsJānis RoziņdārzsБрат26.05.1900

        05.01.1917 | Christmas Battles

        The Christmas Battles (Latvian:Ziemassvētku kaujas; German:Aa-Schlachten; Russian:Митавская операция) were offensive operations of the Russian army during World War I in the area of Jelgava, Latvia, by the 12th Army of the Northern Front. They took place from December 23 (January 5) untill December 29 (January 11) 1916 (1917). The Army was commanded by Gen. Radko Dimitriev; it was opposed by the 8th German Army. The battles took place in a swampy region, Tīreļpurvs (Tīrelis swamp), between Lake Babīte and Jelgava. The main assault force was the VI Siberian Rifle Corps which included two Latvian Rifleman brigades. Incompetence of Russian high command leaded to disastrous events in the Army. A month later February revolution begun.

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        11.11.1919 | Latvia Independence battles. Victory over the West Russian Volunteer Army in Riga

        On November 11 every year, Latvia lights up numerous candles to commemorate the Latvian army's victory over the West Russian Volunteer Army led by general Pavel Bermont-Avalov on November 11, 1919. On this day Latvia honours Latvian Freedom Fighters.

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