
Pattie Boyd

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Дівоче прізвище персони:
Patricia Anne Boyd
Додаткові імена:
Патти Бойд, Патриция Энн Бойд,
Модель, Фотограф
Встановіть кладовищі

Patricia Anne Boyd (born 17 March 1944) is an English model and photographer.

She was one of the leading international models during the 1960s and, with Jean Shrimpton, epitomised the British female look of the era.

Boyd married George Harrison in 1966, experiencing the height of the Beatles' popularity and sharing in their embrace of Indian spirituality. She divorced Harrison in 1977 and married Harrison's friend Eric Clapton in 1979; they divorced in 1989. Boyd inspired Harrison's song "Something", and Clapton's songs "Layla", "Bell Bottom Blues" and "Wonderful Tonight".

In August 2007, Boyd published her autobiography Wonderful Today (titled Wonderful Tonight in the United States). Her photographs of Harrison and Clapton, titled Through the Eye of a Muse, have been widely exhibited.

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        1Kim  McLaganKim McLaganДруг30.12.194802.08.2006
        2Julie EgeJulie EgeЗнакомый12.11.194329.04.2008
        3Tony BramwellTony BramwellЗнакомый
        4Alan  LongmuirAlan LongmuirЗнакомый20.06.194802.07.2018

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