
Stanisław Taczak

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Stanisław Taczak
Полководець, Учасник Першої світової війни, учасник визвольної боротьби
Poznań - Cmentarz Zasłużonych Wielkopolan (św. Wojciech)

Stanisław Taczak (8 April 1874, Mieszków (now in Jarocin County) – 2 March 1960, Malbork) was a Polish general. Until 8 January 1919, he was temporary commander-in-chief of the Great Poland Uprising (1918-1919).

After the Invasion of Poland in 1939, he was imprisoned in the Oflag VII-A Murnau POW camp in Germany.

Honours and awards

  • Silver Cross of the Virtuti Militari
  • Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta
  • Cross of Independence
  • Cross of Valour (twice)
  • Knight's Cross of the Legion of Honour (France)



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        27.12.1918 | Greater Poland Uprising began

        The Greater Poland Uprising of 1918–1919, or Wielkopolska Uprising of 1918–1919 (Polish: powstanie wielkopolskie 1918–19 roku; German: Großpolnischer Aufstand) or Posnanian War was a military insurrection of Poles in the Greater Poland region (also called by the Germans the Grand Duchy of Poznań or Provinz Posen region) against Germany. The uprising had a significant effect on the Treaty of Versailles, which granted a reconstituted Poland the area won by the Polish insurgents plus some additional territory, most of which had been part of Poland before the partitions.

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