
Stefan Pogonowski

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Stefan Pogonowski
Łódź, Stary Cmentarz

Stefan Pogonowski (1895–1920) was a Polish professional soldier and military officer. He served in the Imperial Russian Army during World War I and then the newly recreated Polish Army during the Polish-Bolshevist War of 1920. He was killed when leading a charge of a battalion he commanded during the battle of Radzymin. He was posthumously awarded the Silver Cross of Virtuti Militari and promoted to the rank of Captain. There are streets named after him in Łódź and Warsaw.



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        14.02.1919 | The Polish-Soviet war started

        The Polish–Soviet War (February 1919 – March 1921) was an armed conflict that pitted Soviet Russia and Soviet Ukraine against the Second Polish Republic and the Ukrainian People's Republic over the control of an area equivalent to today's Ukraine and parts of modern-day Belarus. Ultimately the Soviets, following on from their Westward Offensive of 1918–19, hoped to fully occupy Poland. Although united under communist leadership, Soviet Russia and Soviet Ukraine were theoretically two separate independent entities since the Soviet republics did not unite into the Soviet Union until 1922.

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