
Jerzy Kossak

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Jerzy Kossak
Дворянин, Художник
Kraków, Friedhof Rakowicki

Jerzy Kossak (Kraków, 11 September 1886 – 11 May 1955, Kraków) was a Polish realist painter specializing in military scenes; son of painter Wojciech Kossak and grandson of painter Juliusz Kossak — a third-generation artist from a well-known and sought after family of painters, writers and poets.

Jerzy Kossak was a prolific painter of mostly historic scenes featuring the famed Polish Uhlans on horses, usually sold on the spot, but also used for barter at times of the postwar economic slump, until his death before the end of Stalinism in Poland. His paintings, along with those of his antecessors remain best-selling at Polish art auctions.

Jerzy Kossak was a brother: to poet Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska and novelist Magdalena Samozwaniec, as well as the father of: biologist Simona Kossak and painter Gloria Kossak residing at the historic family manor called "Kossakówka", in metropolitan Kraków.



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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Wojciech KossakWojciech KossakБатько31.12.185629.07.1942
        2Марія Павликовська-ЯсножевськаМарія Павликовська-ЯсножевськаСестра24.11.189109.07.1945
        3Magdalena SamozwaniecMagdalena SamozwaniecСестра26.07.189420.10.1972
        4Tadeusz KossakTadeusz KossakДядя01.01.185703.07.1935
        5Юліуш КоссакЮліуш КоссакДед29.10.182403.02.1899
        6Зофія Коссак-ЩуцькаЗофія Коссак-ЩуцькаДвоюродный брат/сестра10.08.188909.04.1968

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