
Edmund Taczanowski

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Edmund Taczanowski
Дворянин, Полководець, учасник визвольної боротьби
Warszawa, Powązki Military Cemetery

Edmund Taczanowski (1822, Wieczyn - 1879, Choryń) was a Polish general, insurrectionist, member of the Taczanowski magnate dynasty (he was grandson of the famous privateer Maksymilian Taczanowski), and Lord of the estate of Choryń in the province of Poznań.

The son of Jozef Grzegorz Mikolaj Piotr Taczanowski and Franciszka Drweska, as a youth Taczanowski was influenced by Polish poet and national hero Adam Mickiewicz, who lived at Choryń in 1831 while Prussian authorities prevented him from returning to Russian-Poland to support the insurrection there. Originally a Prussian officer, Taczanowski resigned to participate in the Greater Poland Uprising 1846 and in the 1848 revolt against Austrian-Polish rule. Following the collapse of this planned military action, he served with Giuseppe Garibaldi in the Italian Risorgimento. Wounded, he was placed in French captivity, but he was later released and served as a General in the 1863 Polish revolt against Russian rule. With the collapse of this action and Czarist suppression of the revolution, Taczanowski fled to France and then to Turkey, where he unsuccessfully attempted to find support for the creation of a Polish liberation army and the establishment of an independent Polish state. Under an amnesty, the Prussian government allowed his return to Choryń in 1870 where he remained with his family until his death nine years later. Today, his grave is considered a site of Polish national honour. The manor of Choryń is now a historic landmark bearing plaques in remembrance of both Taczanowski and Mickiewicz.

Personal life

He was married in Czermin in 1860 to Aniela Baranowska (daughter of Agnieszka Baranowska). They had six children, including Stanisława Taczanowska and Stefan Taczanowski.



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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Franciszek NawrockiFranciszek NawrockiСолдат11.09.181727.08.1904

        22.01.1863 | The January Uprising

        The January Uprising (Polish: powstanie styczniowe, Lithuanian: 1863 m. sukilimas, Belarusian: Паўстанне 1863-1864 гадоў) was an uprising in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (present-day Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia, parts of Ukraine, and western Russia) against the Russian Empire. It began on 22 January 1863 and lasted until the last rebels were captured in 1865.

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        26.08.1863 | Battle of Sędziejowice

        The Battle of Sejdziejowice, one of many clashes of the January Uprising, took place on September 6, 1863, near the village of Sedziejowice, which at that time belonged to Russian-controlled Congress Poland. A party of 1,500 Polish insurgents, commanded by Edmund Taczanowski, clashed with soldiers of the Imperial Russian Army, commanded by rittmeister von Grabbe. The battle resulted in Polish victory.

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