
John A. Walker

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John Anthony Walker Jr. (July 28, 1937 – August 28, 2014) was a United States Navy Chief  Warrant Officer and communications specialist convicted of spying for the Soviet Union from 1968 to 1985. In late 1985, Walker made a plea bargain with federal prosecutors, which required him to testify against his conspirator, former senior chief petty officer Jerry Whitworth, and provide full details of his espionage activities. In exchange, prosecutors agreed to a lesser sentence for Walker's son, former Seaman Michael Walker, who was also involved in the spy ring. During his time as a Soviet spy, Walker helped the Soviets decipher more than one million encryptednaval messages, organizing a spy operation that The New York Timesreported in 1987 “is sometimes described as the most damaging Soviet spy ring in history.”

After Walker's arrest, Caspar Weinberger, President Ronald Reagan'sSecretary of Defense, concluded that the Soviet Union made significant gains in naval warfare attributable to Walker's spying. Weinberger stated that the information Walker gave Moscow allowed the Soviets "access to weapons and sensor data and naval tactics, terrorist threats, and surface, submarine, and airborne training, readiness and tactics."

 John Lehman,United States Secretary of the Navy during the Reagan administration, stated in an interview that Walker's activities enabled the Soviets to know where U.S. submarines were at all times. Lehman said the Walker espionage would have resulted in huge loss of American lives in the event of war.

In the June 2010 issue of Naval History Magazine, John Prados, a senior fellow with the National Security Archive in Washington, D.C., pointed out that after Walker introduced himself to Soviet officials, North Korean forces seized the USSPueblo (AGER-2) in order to make better use of Walker's spying. Prados added that North Korea subsequently shared information gleaned from the spy ship with the Soviets, enabling them to build replicas and gain access to the U.S. naval communications system, which continued until the system was completely revamped in the late-1980s.

Early life

Walker was born in Scranton, PA on July 28, 1937, and attended St. Paul Grade and High School. He enlisted in the Navy in 1955 when, arrested for burglary, he was offered the option of jail or the military. While stationed in Boston, Walker met and married Barbara Crowley, and they had four children together, three daughters and a son. While stationed on the nuclear-powered Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) submarine USS Andrew Jackson (SSBN-619) in Charleston, South Carolina, Walker opened a bar which failed to turn a profit and immediately plunged him into debt.

Spy ring

Walker began spying for the Soviets in 1968, when, distraught over his financial difficulties, he walked into the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C., sold a top secret document (a radio cipher card) for several thousand dollars, and negotiated an ongoing salary of $500 to $1,000 a week. Walker has justified his treachery by claiming that the first classified Navy communications data he had sold to the Soviets had already been completely compromised when the North Koreans had captured the U.S. Navy communications surveillance ship, the USS Pueblo. Yet the Koreans captured the Pueblo in January 1968 — just one month after Walker had betrayed the information.

Furthermore, a 2001 thesis presented at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College using information from Soviet archives and from Oleg Kalugin, indicates that the Pueblo incident may have taken place because the Soviets wanted to study equipment described in documents supplied to them by Walker.

Walker continued spying, receiving an income of several thousand dollars per month for supplying classified information. Walker used most of the money to get his delinquent debts paid and move his family into better neighborhoods, but he also set aside some for future investment, such as turning around the fortunes of his money-losing bar by hiring a skilled bartender.  While Walker occasionally used the services of his wife, Barbara Walker, he anticipated the possibility of losing access due to reassignment. Walker's chance to seek further assistance came in 1969 when he was stationed to teach radio operators in San Diego, California. There Walker befriended student Jerry Whitworth.[1] Whitworth, who would become a Navy senior chief petty officer/senior chief radioman. Whitworth agreed to assist Walker in accessing highly classified communications data in 1973. A transfer had stopped Walker's access to the data the Soviets wanted, but he was able to recruit Whitworth to keep the data flowing by telling him the data would be going to Israel, an ally of the United States, in order to soften the consideration of Whitworth engaging in espionage.

Later, when Whitworth realized the data was going to the Soviets instead of Israel, he nonetheless continued feeding it to Walker until his retirement from the Navy in 1983. In 1976, Walker retired from the Navy in order to give up his security clearance, as he believed certain superior officers of his were too keen on investigating lapses in his records. Walker and Barbara also divorced. However, Walker did not end his espionage, and began looking more aggressively among his children and family members for assistance (Walker was a private investigator at this time). By 1984, he had recruited his older brother Arthur, a retired lieutenant commander who then went to work at a military contractor, and his son Michael, an active duty seaman.

 Walker had also attempted to recruit his youngest daughter, who had enlisted in the United States Army, but she cut her military career short when she became pregnant and refused her father's offer to pay for an abortion, instead deciding to devote herself to full-time motherhood. Walker then turned his attention to his son, who had drifted during much of his teenage years and dropped out of high school. Walker gained custody of his son, put him to work as an apprentice at his detective agency in order to prepare him for espionage and encouraged him to re-enroll in high school to earn a diploma, then to enlist in the Navy.

When Walker began spying, he worked as a key supervisor in the communications center for the U.S. Atlantic Fleet's submarine force, and he would have had knowledge of top secret technologies, such as the SOSUS underwater surveillance system which tracks submarine traffic via a network of submerged hydrophones. It was through Walker that the Soviets became aware that the US Navy was able to track the location of Soviet submarines by the cavitation produced by their propellers. After this, the propellers on the Soviet submarines were improved to reduce cavitation. The Toshiba-Kongsberg scandal was disclosed in this activity in 1987.

 It is also alleged that Walker's actions precipitated the seizure of the USS Pueblo. CIA historian H. Keith Melton states on the show "Top Secrets of the CIA" which aired on the Military Channel, among other occasions, at 0400CST, February 5, 2013, that "They [referring to the Soviets] had intercepted our coded messages, but they had never been able to read them. And with Walker providing the code cards, this was one-half of what they needed to read the messages. The other half they needed were the machines themselves. Though Walker could give them repair manuals, he couldn't give them machines. So, within a month of John Walker volunteering his services, the Soviets arranged, through the North Koreans, to hijack a United States Navy ship with its cipher machines, and that was the USS Pueblo. And in early 1968 they captured the Pueblo, they took it into Wonsan Harbor, they quickly took the machines off ... flew 'em to Moscow. Now Moscow had both parts of the puzzles. They had the machine and they had an American spy, in place, in Norfolk, with the code cards and with access to them."

In 1990, The New York Times journalist John J. O'Connor reported, "It's been estimated by some intelligence experts that Mr. Walker provided enough code-data information to alter significantly the balance of power between Russia and the United States". Asked later how he had managed to access so much classified information, Walker said, "KMart has better security than the Navy". According to a report presented to the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive in 2002, Walker is one of a handful of spies believed to have earned more than a million dollars in espionage compensation, although The New York Times estimated his income at only $350,000.

Theodore Shackleton, the CIA station chief in Saigon, asserted that Walker's espionage may have contributed to diminished B-52 bombing strikes, that the fore warning gleaned from Walker's espionage directly impacted US effectiveness in Vietnam.

Arrest and imprisonment

John and Barbara Walker divorced in 1976. Their marriage was one marked by physical abuse and alcohol. By 1980 Barbara had begun regularly abusing alcohol and was very fearful for her children. She wanted the children not to become involved in the spy ring, and that led to constant disagreement with John. When John drew Michael into his espionage activity, Barbara sought to put an end to the spying and save her only son. Barbara tried several times to contact the Boston office of the FBI, but she either hung up or was too drunk to speak. In November 1984 she again contacted the Boston office and in a drunken confession reported that her ex-husband spied for the Soviet Union. She did not then know that Michael had become an active participant, and later admitted she would not have reported the spy ring had she known her son was involved.

The FBI did not investigate the matter, as it was initially considered to be the rantings of a drunken, bitter woman trying to "drop a dime" on an ex-husband. Since Barbara's report regarded the Navy, the Boston office sent the report to the Norfolk, Virginia, office. The FBI in Norfolk saw it as a Navy issue and turned over the investigation to the Navy Investigative Service (NIS), now known as the NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service). The NIS took over the investigation and began to look at John Walker's life, including the question of how he afforded luxury vehicles and three residences when the retirement pay of a warrant officer seemed insufficient. Because of the NIS investigation, John Walker, Jerry Whitworth, Arthur Walker, and Michael Walker were arrested. Michael was arrested onboard ship, where investigators found a footlocker full of copies of classified matter. He had to be taken off his ship under guard to avoid getting beaten by other Marines and sailors.

The FBI apprehended Walker himself at a motel in Montgomery County, Maryland, by using, ironically, a trick he had used to catch people in adultery cases — that is, by telephoning his hotel room and telling him that his car had been hit in an accident. Barbara Walker was not prosecuted because of her role in disclosing the ring. Former KGB agent Victor Cherkashin, however, describes in his book Spy Handler that Walker was compromised by an FBI spy named "Martynov," who overheard officials in Moscow speaking about Walker.

Walker cooperated somewhat with authorities, enough to form a plea bargain that would reduce the sentence for his son. He agreed to submit to an unchallenged conviction and life sentence, to provide a full disclosure of the details of his spying, and to give testimony against Whitworth in exchange for a pledge from the prosecutors that the maximum sentence requested for Michael was 25 years imprisonment, which was later Michael's sentence.

 All the members of the spy ring besides Michael Walker received life sentences for their role in the espionage. Whitworth was sentenced to 365 years in prison and fined $410,000 for his involvement. Whitworth is now incarcerated at the United States Penitentiary, Atwater, a high-security federal prison in California. Walker's older brother Arthur received three life sentences plus 40 years and died in the Butner Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, North Carolina on July 5, 2014.

Walker's son, Michael, who had a relatively minor role in the ring, and who agreed to testify in exchange for a reduced sentence, was released from prison on parole in February 2000.

Walker was incarcerated at FCC Butner, in the low security portion. He was said to suffer from diabetes mellitus and stage 4 throat cancer.


John A. Walker died August 28, 2014, while still in prison. He would have been eligible for parole in 2015.


The infamous man behind one of the United States’ most shocking spy rings has died in a federal North Carolina prison.

According to the Virginian-Pilot, John A. Walker Jr. was 77 years old when he died. Although the cause of his death is currently unknown, he was suffering from health complications that dated back years and included throat cancer.

During an 18-year espionage campaign that began in 1967, Walker sold American military secrets to the Soviet Union that allowed the state to essentially monitor the US Navy as it deployed units around the world. His first major sale took place as a member of the Navy, and involved enabling the Soviets to access more than one million classified, encrypted Navy “key card” messages.

“High-ranking Soviet officials later would say that Walker’s information allowed them to have an invisible seat at the Pentagon,” Denise Watson wrote at the newspaper. “They could monitor the Atlantic fleet, for instance, and follow U.S. troop movements around the world.”

The secrets Walker sold were so sensitive, in fact, that one Soviet defector said it would have turned the tides of war, should one have broken out between the two Cold War rivals.

Overall, Walker is believed to have earned more than $1 million for the information he sold.

When caught in 1985 – Walker’s ex-wife, Barbara, notified the FBI of his activity after discovering that he attempted to drag one of their daughters into the operation – he was convicted and sentenced to two life terms behind bars, plus 10 years. Despite the long term, older federal guidelines regarding parole meant he was less than nine months away from being released at the time of his death.

While the gambit to bring his daughter into the fold failed, Walker was able to lure other members of his family. His brother, Arthur, was also convicted and handed three life sentences. He died in prison this past July.

Meanwhile, Walker’s son, Michael, served 15 years in prison for his involvement, and now lives in Massachusetts. Michael was also a member of the Navy.

The fourth member of the spy ring wasn’t family, but Jerry Whitworth was a friend of Walker’s and another Navy member. He is serving a 365-year sentence in California.


The mastermind behind one of America’s most damaging spy rings has reportedly died.

John A. Walker Jr., 77, was sentenced in 1986 to two life terms plus 10 years for selling U.S. secrets to the Soviets as a cryptologist in the Navy and after he retired. He died Thursday in a federal prison in North Carolina, according to prison officials, less than nine months away from his expected release due to federal parole guidelines at the time, reports.

Walker eventually enlisted his brother Arthur, his son Michael and a Navy friend, Jerry Whitworth, into one of the biggest security breaches in the nation’s history.

Robert Hunter, the FBI agent who arrested Walker, characterized him as one of the most treacherous men he’d ever met.

“I think the man was pure evil,” Hunter told

Walker’s foray into espionage began in 1967 while working at what’s now the Norfolk Naval Station, where he stole and later sold “key cards” to the Soviet Union, allowing its intelligence officers to unlock more than 1 million top-secret and classified messages.

Walker agreed to plead guilty as part of a deal with prosecutors to obtain a lighter sentence for his son. 

Former Navy Seaman Michael L. Walker served 15 years in prison and was released in 2000.

The brother, retired Navy lieutenant commander Arthur Walker, died at the Butner hospital in July.

The fourth member of the spy ring, Ex- Navy Chief Petty Officer Jerry A. Whitworth was convicted in 1986 and later sentenced to a total of 365 years. A database of federal inmates shows that Whitworth, now 75, is incarcerated at the Federal Penitentiary in Atwater, California.


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