
Shaylee Chuckulnaskit

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Жертва, Учень
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Shaylee Chuckulnaskit, 14, died , officials at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett said.

"Our hearts are broken at the passing of our beautiful daughter," Shaylee Chuckulnaskit's family said in a statement released by Providence officials. "Shay means everything to us. In Shay's short life she has been a radiant light bringing us incredible joy and happiness. She has been a loving daughter, a caring sister, a devoted friend and a wonderful part of our community. We can't imagine life without her."

The family also thanked medics and hospital officials.

Hundreds gathered Thursday on the Tulalip Indian reservation for a memorial service for Jaylen Fryberg, who came from a prominent tribal family. Earlier this week, the Tulalip Tribes released a statement condemning the shooter's "horrific actions," but adding it was their custom to come together in times of grief.

Late Friday, the tribes issued a statement on the latest death, saying "our hearts are heavy as we hear of the passing of Shaylee Chuckulnaskit. Shaylee and her family are part of our extended Tulalip community and we offer up our prayers."



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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Zoe GalassoZoe GalassoШкільний товариш00.00.200024.10.2014
        2Gia SorianoGia SorianoШкільний товариш00.00.200026.10.2014
        3Jaylen FrybergJaylen FrybergШкільний товариш, Злочинець00.00.200024.10.2014
        4Andrew FrybergAndrew FrybergШкільний товариш00.00.199907.11.2014
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