
John Sandal

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Джон Сандаль, John Sandal
Військова людина, Пілот
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A former boyfriend of Britney Spears John Sandal was killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan, reports the New York Daily News.
A man was flown by helicopter in Afghanistan, and was shot down while flying over Kabul, where he worked as a private contractor to transport officials.
American singer shocked by the news of the death of ex-boyfriend. Spears and sandals met in 2007, when undergoing treatment for alcoholism. According to the singer, sandalwood helped her overcome the craving for alcohol and drugs.
“It devastated. Britney consider it a great man, “- said a source close to the singer, an American journalist.
The body of 44-year-old pilot has already been delivered in the United States. The funeral will be held John sandals in California in a small temple.

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