
Walter Kirton

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Walter KIrton was born 08 March 1892 in Keston, Kent, England to Frank Kirton and Frances Kate Howden. 

He was their oldest son and second oldest of six children.  

Before enlisting in WWI he worked as an assistant with his uncle James Borer who had a catering business.  

Walter enlisted 14 September 1914 as a private with the 19th Battalion Regiment and served in France.  He experience a gunshot injury to his leg and was hospitalized for a short time.   

In 1919 he was promoted to Captain with the Special List, Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, King's African Rifles, stationed at Ruiru, British East Africa where he trained native troops.    

When WWII began he served with the British Army Ordance Corps (R.O.A.C.) Unit 223139, in Ethiopia.   

He died at the age of 49 on 22 December 1941 in Addis Ababa of cerebro-spinal meningitis while defending Ethiopia against attacks by German and Italian Forces. 

He is buried in Addis  Ababa War Cemetery, Grave 2A8. The inscription on his headstone reads

" A Longer Life Could Not Have Had a Nobler End".  

Over the years he received the

  • UK Silver War Badge, Star,
  • British War Medal and
  • the Victory Medal.

  (Miriam Ruth Macdonald nee Kirton)


Rank: Captain

Regiment: Royal Army Ordnance Corps



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