
Māris Ērenpreiss

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Жертва катастрофи, жертва
Rīga, Jaunciems, Jaunciema kapi

A cyclist killed when he was thrown from his bike after clipping the kerb was today named as Maris Erenpreiss.

A cyclist killed when he was thrown from his bike after clipping the kerb was today named as Maris Erenpreiss.

The 21-year-old Latvian man, from the Penn Fields area, was cycling along Old Hill, Tettenhall, when the accident happened on Wednesday.

He was taken to Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital with severe facial and chest injuries and was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.

Calls were today made for safety measures to be introduced on a the road where the incident happened.

Stuart Lees and his wife Claire rushed to help the tragic cyclist after his front tyre clipped a kerb, in Old Hill, Tettenhall, sending the bike into a wall and throwing him off on to the road.

Builder Mr Lees today told how he tried desperately tried to save the 21-year-old - as he called on Wolverhampton City Council to introduce traffic-calming measures on the road.


Mr Lees and his wife stopped after hearing the accident happen behind them.


The 54-year-old, from Old Hill, said: "We went over to try to help.

"The lad's brother was there. It was an awful scene.

"Claire called the ambulance and I took my jumper off and put it under the lad's head. I was trying to make him as comfortable as possible.


"We were trying to save his life."

The couple today called for measures to be introduced on the road to prevent further tragedies.

"It is a horrendous road," said Mr Lees. "There should be signs put up there at least.


"The cars speed up and down there and people on bikes.

"It is steep and there is a nasty bend at the top.

"We would like to see some safety measures. We have been speaking to other residents and everyone agrees.

"We can't have something happen like this again. It's tragic and I wouldn't want anybody to go through seeing something like that."

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