
Archibald Christie

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Archibald Christie, DSO, CMG, known as Archie Christie (1889-1962), was a British businessman and military officer. He was the first husband of mystery writer Dame Agatha Christie. They wed in 1914 and divorced in 1928. During that period, they shared many happy times; and Agatha wrote some of her best detective novels. They separated in 1927 after a major rift and obtained a divorce the following year. Shortly after this, Christie married Nancy Neele, and the couple lived quietly for the rest of their lives. Christie became a successful businessman and was invited to be on the boards of several major companies.

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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        1Rosalind HicksRosalind HicksДочка05.08.191928.10.2004
        Nancy ChristieДружина00.00.189900.00.1958
        3Agatha ChristieAgatha ChristieДружина15.09.189012.01.1976

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