
Roman Bartoszcze

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Roman Bartoszcze
Заступник, Політик, Фермер
Встановіть кладовищі

Roman Bartoszcze (born December 9, 1946 in [Jaroszewice] - died December 31, 2015) was a former Polish agrarian politician from Polish People's Party (PSL).

From 1969 to 1980 he was a member of Polish United Workers' Party satellite United People's Party (ZSL). In 1980 he broke with ZSL and joined oppositional Peaseant Solidarity, which was merged into Solidarity movement in 1981. During Martial law he was interned for two months. After his release Bartoszcze acted in the All-Poland Peaseants Resistatce Committee and was an editor of newspaper Żywią i bronią.

Elected in 1989 Contract Sejm Member from Solidarity Citizens' Committee, he joined reborn Polish People's Party in 1990 and was soon elected its first leader. The same year he ran for President and lost with 1,176,175 votes (7,15%), winning 5th place among six candidates that fall.

In 1991 he left PSL and founded small conservative Polish People's-Christian Forum "Fatherland". Re-elected Sejm member in 1991 from Center Civic Alliance he retired from politics with his term ends in 1993.

His brother Piotr, who was also an opposition activist, was murdered by the Security Service.



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        Iм'я зв'язокТип відносинДата народженняДата смертіОпис
        Piotr BartoszczeБрат14.04.195908.02.1984

        Не вказано події

        Ключові слова