
André Chéron

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André Chéron (born September 25, 1895 in Colombes; † September 12, 1980 in Leysin)

Chessplayer, Chess composer and writer

was a French chess master and author. He is considered one of the most important endgame theorists.

Chéron lived in Switzerland and was champion of France in 1926, 1927 and 1929. At the 1927 Chess Olympiad in London he played in the French selection, at the 1928 FIDE Amateur World Championship, which was held parallel to the 1928 Chess Olympiad in The Hague, he took 9th place out of 16 participants.

He had severe lung disease and lived in a sanatorium for 20 years.

Writer of famous endgame books

During this time he wrote his unique four-volume work Nouveau Traité complet d'échecs. La fin de partie (“Textbook and Handbook of Endgames”), which appeared in several editions in France since 1923. The German edition contains 2336 finals, systematically arranged and thoroughly, precisely and completely examined. It covers all endgames that occur in practice and also contains more than 100 studies composed by Chéron. The book was long considered the standard work on endgames and is simply called the Chéron in chess circles.

In 1934, Chéron wrote another book on theoretical questions in chess composition (Les Echecs artistiques).

André Chéron has been an international referee for chess compositions since 1957. He published over 450 compositions, including 400 studies. In 1959 he was awarded the title of International Master of Chess Compositions.

Source: Germain Wikipedia

Others: On Website ARVES by Peter Boll are 20 endgame studies with solution by André Chéron selected

About his endgame studies: 

André Chéron was interested in chess studies with many underpromotions (bishop, rook, knight). He shared this interest with other famous chess composers, such as Harald Lommer (* 18 November 1904 in London; † 17 December 1980 in Valencia), or the German study composer Rolf Richter (born May 26, 1941 in Oederan; † January 14, 1988 there) 
Many of his rook endgame studies are technical endgames, nowadays database endgames.

Link: on are 24 chess games played by him.



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        chessmasterchess playerchess composerchess writerchesschess book