
Artur Mandler

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Artur Mandler (* 5 January 1891 in Humpolec; † 20 October 1971 in Prague) was an important Czech chess composer.

Mandler published around 1000 chess problems and endgame studies from 1908 onwards.


 He was also a versatile chess journalist. From 1955 to 1956 he edited the chess composition section of the specialised journal Československý šach.

In 1956 he was appointed international adjudicator for chess composition.

Until 1965 he worked as an editor for the international chess magazine FIDE Revue.

Success in chess composition

From 1966 he was FIDE International Master of Chess Composition. In 1968 he was awarded the title of Merited Master of Sport of Czechoslovakia.

He was posthumously awarded the title of Grand Master of Chess Composition in 2012.

Mandler made several contributions to endgame theory.

About his chess studies: 

Mandler is a great master in the utilisation of material on both sides. His chess studies are characterised by the extremely economical use of material. His chess studies are often very close to the game and mostly without blows. Many of his chess studies today are classic database studies, characterised by deep analytical variations in the main variations as well as in the minor variations. Even if these chess studies can hardly offer spectacular queen sacrifices, they are of great value for the study and understanding of endgames because of their closeness to the game. 

About his chess problems (mate in 3,4,5):

Mandler has created over 350 analytical, in-depth chess studies. This achievement in itself is extraordinary.
However, there are many more of his chess problems published on the Schwalbe PDB server, which represent a great achievement in terms of the number and quality of the problems.
In addition to some auxiliary mates, there is a wealth of miniatures in 3 and more moves. Here, too, you will find the same style as in his chess studies: extreme economy of material. No white blows and many quiet moves, without chess bids.

Source; Germain Wikipedia (partly)


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        grandmaster in chesschessmasterchess composerendgame studieschess studies