
Murray Marble

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Murray Marble (17.2.1885-17.2.1919) American chess player and composer

Murray Marble (17.2.1885-17.2.1919), born 125 years ago, composed about 300 chess problems and achieved his greatest success in 1929 when he won first prize in both the 2# and 3# sections of the Numa Preti MT of La Stratégie; Marble, who was seriously ill, had to lead the life of an invalid and died on his 34th birthday, led many budding composers to chess composition and encouraged them to continue.


Alain C.White had thus described Murray Marble in "A Sketchbook of American Chess Problemists" (1942):
It is not, however, only as a composer that Marble will be remembered, but as a friend of other composers. His life was that of an invalid, with long periods of suffering and weakness... His untimely death carried away one of the gentlest and kindest figures the American chess problem world has had the good fortune to produce.
An amusing anecdote about him: he won the first prizes in the twomover and threemover sections of the Préti Memorial Tourney in 1908-09 organized by "La Stratégie"; for his twomover he won 15 volumes of "la Stratégie" and for his threemover he won the whole collection of 40 volumes.

it.Wikipedia org wrote:

Murray Marble (Worcester, 17 February 1885 - Worcester, 17 February 1919) was an American chess composer.

He suffered from a debilitating disease (probably polio) and never left his hometown of Worcester, Massachusetts. At the age of 15 he won a match against Harry Nelson Pillsbury , who had given a simultaneous blindfold on four boards in his town. 

He composed about a hundred problems in two and three moves and won numerous prizes. At the Préti Memorial Tourney competition organised by the French magazine La Stratégie in 1908, he won first prize in both the two- and three-move sections.

The problemist Alain C. White describes it in the book A Sketchbook of American Chess Problemists (1942) as follows:
" Marble will be remembered, however, not only as a composer, but also as a friend of other composers. His life was that of an invalid, with long periods of suffering and weakness ... His untimely death robbed him of one of the kindest and friendliest characters that the American problem world was privileged to produce. " 
He died at the age of 34 as a result of the Spanish flu epidemic that struck the United States after the end of the First World War and in which one of his brothers also died.



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