
Zyta Gilowska

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Burial Datum:
Zyta Napolska
Zusätzliche namen:
Zyta Gilowska, Zyta Napolska
Akademiemitglied, Deputat, Minister, Politiker, Professor, Pädagoge, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
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Zyta Gilowska (born 7 July 1949–died 5 April 2016) was a Polish economist, academic, and politician.

Early Life and Education

Gilowska was born in Nowe Miasto Lubawskie on 7 July 1949.  In 1972, she graduated with a degree in economics from Warsaw University. In 1981, she received her PhD in economics from Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin.


From 1972 to 1985, Gilowska was a research assistant at Maria Curie-Sklodowska University. From 1995 to 1999, she was an associate professor at the same university. In 2001, she became full professor at the Catholic University of Lublin. From 1994 to 1996, she was a member of the liberal party, Freedom Union (Unia Wolności). She is the former vice chairman of the Civic Platform (Polish: Platforma Obywatelska) party; however, she left the party on 21 May 2005 in protest over accusations by party colleagues of wrongdoing. From 2001 to 2005, she was a Sejm (the lower chamber of the Polish Parliament) deputy.

From 7 January to 23 June 2006, she was deputy prime minister and finance minister in the Law and Justice government under Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz. She was dismissed due to allegations about her communist-era collaboration. Paweł Wojciechowski replaced her as finance minister.

From 22 September 2006 to 16 November 2007, she again was deputy prime minister and finance minister. In October 2006, Gilowska was made the head of Poland's financial supervisory authority and the European Investment Bank governor of Poland.



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        31.10.2005 | Zaprzysiężono rząd Kazimierza Marcinkiewicza

        Rząd Kazimierza Marcinkiewicza – Rada Ministrów pod kierownictwem premiera Kazimierza Marcinkiewicza, powołana i zaprzysiężona przez prezydenta RP Aleksandra Kwaśniewskiego 31 października 2005. Po złożeniu dymisji i jej przyjęciu przez prezydenta RP Lecha Kaczyńskiego 10 lipca 2006 Rada Ministrów konstytucyjne obowiązki pełniła do 14 lipca 2006. Rząd mniejszościowy partii Prawo i Sprawiedliwość powołano po wyborach parlamentarnych w wyniku niepowodzenia rozmów z potencjalnym koalicjantem, Platformą Obywatelską. W jego skład oprócz polityków PiS, weszło kilku ministrów bezpartyjnych.

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