
Vasili Slipak

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Wassyl Slipak, Василий Слипак, Василь Сліпак, Василь Сліпак "Миф" Мефистофель
Opfer der Ukraine 2014-24, Soldat, Sänger
Lemberg, Lytschakiwski-Friedhof

Wassyl Slipak was born in Ukraine.

From 1983 till 1994 he was a soloist in the Lviv State Academic Male Choir “Dudaryk”. From 1992 till 1996 he studied voice at the Lviv National Musical Academy named after Mykola Lysenko (Professor Maria Bayko’s class).

Since his time as a student Wassyl sang in concerts performing works by G. Caccini, A. Falconieri, A. Scarlatti, A. Steffani, A. Vivaldi, G. Frescobaldi, A. F. Tenaglia, L. Vinci, A. Stradella, A. Lotti, D. Bortnyansky, M. Berezovsky, and other composers. He also performed the part of Acide in the opera “Alcide” by D. Bortnyansky.

Opera Singer From France On The War In Ukraine

In the late 90s Wassyl changed his fach from countertenor to bass-baritone.

As alumnus of the Conservatory of Music of L’viv (Ukraine), in 1997, he passed the entrance examination for the Paris Opera. His voice allows him to start a solo career in France and Europe.

In 2010 he performed the role of Boris in “Boris Godunov” M.Moussorgski (The Amphitheater of UNESCO, Paris)in concert with the International Paris Orchestra, led by Amine Kouider.

 In November 2010 he performed Masettoand Commendatore in “Don Giovanni” in St Etienne Andrezieu, Firmini, Roanne.

In December 2010, Mozart‘s Great Mass in Ut in L’Opera Theatre of St Etienne. 

In February 2011, Mass from J.-S.Bach in L’Eglise St Augustin (Paris) with L’Orchestre de Paris International Orchestre with Amine Kouider as a conductor.

In September 2011 he is finalist of CFPL in Paris (France). 

In October 2011 he was elected “The Best MalePerformer 2011″ in “Armel International Opera Competition” in Szeged (Hungary).

In March 2012, played Sparafucile in “Rigoletto” by G. Verdi “in the Amphitheatre 3000″ in Lyon, dir. Shevtchuk Andrey.

In September 2012 – Ramfis in “Aida” by G. Verdi for the Outdoor opera led by J.Blanc, mis-en-scene by Eli Chouraqui.

On 13 February 2013, the “Requiem” by G. Verdi in Champs-Elysées Theatre in Paris.

In April-May 2013, The Magic Flute” by W.-A. Mozart in Toulon Opera “.

In July 2013, he was taken for the great role of Escamillo in “Carmen” from G.Bizet in the Festival d’Aix-les-Bains (France).


Paris opera solist Vasili Slipak died near Donetsk. Vasili who since 1997 lived in France, after the beginning of Russian invasion in Ukraine became volunteer of Ukrainian Army.

Extrait de Requiem Allemand de Brams

The journalist Yury Butusov reports about it in Facebook.

«We will incline the heads, citizens. The big Ukrainian has died today, protecting the Homeland and each of us…Vasili Slipak, the opera singer with a world name who lived 19 years and worked in France in the Parisian opera, but from the beginning of the Russian aggression has given up the European career and has returned to protect the Homeland, has died near Donetsk in ranks «at the frontRight Sector». The soldier - the volunteer Vasili Slipak became a sample of the citizen and patriot» ,–he has written.


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