
Chloe Rutherford

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Ms Rutherford, 17, and Mr Curry, 19, were among 22 people who died after Salman Abedi detonated an improvised explosive device outside an Ariana Grande concert on Monday night.

Their families added: “On the night our daughter Chloe and our son Liam died, their wings were ready but our hearts were not.

“Chloe always described herself as ditzy who Liam adored and would do anything for, including dealing with Chloe's demands for chocolate.

“They lived to go to new places together and explore different cities. They wanted to be together forever and now they are.”

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        1Liam CurryLiam CurryFreund00.00.199822.05.2017
        2Salman AbediSalman AbediTäter00.00.199422.05.2017